Getting Started with Channels

(If you haven’t yet, make sure you install Channels)

現在,讓我們開始寫一些 consumer。假如尚未讀過 Channels 的概念 先研讀過後,它包含最基礎的像是那些是 channels 與群組、重要的實施模式佈局與注意事項。

First Consumers

當你第一次執行 Django 並安裝 Channels,將會設定默認的 layout - 所有的 HTTP requests (在 http.request channel) 如何路由到 Django - 與過去基於 WSGI-based Django 與你的視覺圖與靜態檔案服務 (依然運作如一般 runserver 不會有任何的不同)

做為一個非常基礎的介紹,我們即將撰寫一個 consumer 覆寫的內置處理器,直接處理每一個 HTTP request 的需求。你不會經常在專案內這樣做,但是這很棒的說明 channels 如何成為 Django 的核心 - 他不是增加一個新的 addition 而是一個全新的 layer 建築在既有的視圖 view 上。

現在,建一個新的專案以及一個新的 app, 並將這些放到一個 app:: 裡的 檔案。

from django.http import HttpResponse
from channels.handler import AsgiHandler

def http_consumer(message):
    # Make standard HTTP response - access ASGI path attribute directly
    response = HttpResponse("Hello world! You asked for %s" % message.content['path'])
    # Encode that response into message format (ASGI)
    for chunk in AsgiHandler.encode_response(response):

在這裡很重要且必須注意的事,因為我們送出的訊息必須是 JSON 可序列化,這個 request 與 response 訊息是一組鍵值對的形式。你可以讀取更多關於這些格式在 ASGI specification, 但不需要擔心太多;只需要知道這些是一個 AsgiRequest class 用來轉換 ASGI 到 Django request 物件,AsgiHandler class 負責轉換 HttpResponse 進入 ASGI 訊息,這一切就如你所見到上面使用的。通常當你使用一般的視圖時,Django 的內置處理器程式碼將會完成這些。

現在我們需要再做一件事,那就是告訴 Django 這是 Consumer 應該要被綁定在 http.request channel 而不是 Django 預設的視圖系統。這透過修改 settings 檔案完成 - 較為特別是我們需要定義我們的 預設 channel layer 和路由設置。

Channel 路由有點像是 URL 路由,因此它的結構類似 - 你透過 dict 指定這個映射的設定,映射 channels 到 Consumer 的可調用。他的樣子會像是:

# In
    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "asgiref.inmemory.ChannelLayer",
        "ROUTING": "myproject.routing.channel_routing",
# In
from channels.routing import route
channel_routing = [
    route("http.request", "myapp.consumers.http_consumer"),


這裡的範例,和大部分這邊的範例,使用 “In memory” channel layer。這是簡單的開始與提供絕對沒有跨進程的通道傳輸,所以只能使用在 runserver 環境下。在佈署環境下,你需要選擇另一個後端 (稍後討論) 來運行。

如你所見,這有點像是 Django 的 DATABASES 設定; 被命名的 channel layers 有個預設通道被命名為 default。 每一個 layer 需要一個 channel layer 類別,一些選項 ( 假如 channel layer 需要他們的話 ) 以及然後一個路由方案,其指向包含路由設置的列表。建議你在項目中稱這個檔案為 並把它和 放在一起,但是只要路徑是正確的,你可以把它放在任何你喜歡的地方。

假如你透過 python runserver 來啟動然後連接到 http://localhost:8000 就可以成功的瀏覽到 Hello World 頁面而不是預設的 Django 回應頁面,代表可以運作。假如你沒有得到回應,請參考 installed Channels correctly

現在,這還不夠酷 - Django 本來就以已經能夠處理原生的 HTTP 回覆。讓我們嘗試一些 WebSockets 並且做一些基礎的聊天服務。

我們將啟動一個簡單的服務,只用來是回覆它發送回同一個客戶端的每條消息 - 沒有跨客戶通信。 他不一定非常實用,但它是一個好可開始去撰寫 Channels consumers。

刪除之前的消費者與他的路由 - 從現在開始我們希望是一個一般的 Django 視圖層去服務 HTTP 請求,會有狀況發生假如你沒有指定一個針對 http.request 給消費者 - 並且建立一個 WebSocket 顧客替代:

# In

def ws_message(message):
    # ASGI WebSocket packet-received and send-packet message types
    # both have a "text" key for their textual data.
        "text": message.content['text'],

掛勾它到 websocket.receive channel 如下

# In
from channels.routing import route
from myapp.consumers import ws_message

channel_routing = [
    route("websocket.receive", ws_message),

現在讓我們看看它們在做些什麼。它綑綁在 websocket.receice channel,這意味著從 WebSocket packet 由客戶端發送給我們時它將收到一個訊息。

當它得到這個訊息時,他會得從而到 reply_channel 屬性,他是從 client 端得到唯一的 channel 回應,接著使用 send() 方法送出一些內容返回 client。

Let’s test it! Run runserver, open a browser, navigate to a page on the server (you can’t use any page’s console because of origin restrictions), and put the following into the JavaScript console to open a WebSocket and send some data down it (you might need to change the socket address if you’re using a development VM or similar)

// Note that the path doesn't matter for routing; any WebSocket
// connection gets bumped over to WebSocket consumers
socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + + "/chat/");
socket.onmessage = function(e) {
socket.onopen = function() {
    socket.send("hello world");
// Call onopen directly if socket is already open
if (socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) socket.onopen();

你應該看到一個提示立刻回傳並且說 “hello world” - 你的訊息已經被往返透過伺服器並且回覆去觸發這個提示。


現在讓我們建立我們的 echo 伺服器進入一個實際的聊天伺服器,所以人們可以和其他人彼此交談。要完成這個我們將使用 Groups,其中一個 :doc”core concepts<concepts> of Channels,接著我們的基本方式是做多播消息。

要完成這個,我們將 hook up websocket.connectwebsocket.disconnect channels 去新增與移除我們的 clients 從 Group 當他們連接或是中斷,像是:

# In
from channels import Group

# Connected to websocket.connect
def ws_add(message):
    # Accept the incoming connection
    message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True})
    # Add them to the chat group

# Connected to websocket.disconnect
def ws_disconnect(message):


You need to explicitly accept WebSocket connections if you override connect by sending accept: True - you can also reject them at connection time, before they open, by sending close: True.

當然,如果你已經讀完 Channels 的概念 ,則你知道加到 groups 中的 channels 只要他們的訊息過期,則 channel 也跟著過期。 ( 每一個 channel layer 都有訊息的過期時限,通常是 30 秒至數分鐘,通常可以設定。 ) - 但是 disconnect handler 在任何時間都可以被呼叫。


Channel 的設計會期望他可以在傳訊息失敗時繼續工作。它假設少數的訊息可能不會被成功的發送出去,因此,其核心的功能在設計上會預期有失敗的發生,所以當訊息沒有被送出去的時候,不會造成系統崩潰。

We suggest you design your applications the same way - rather than relying on 100% guaranteed delivery, which Channels won’t give you, look at each failure case and program something to expect and handle it - be that retry logic, partial content handling, or just having something not work that one time. HTTP requests are just as fallible, and most people’s response to that is a generic error page!

Now, that’s taken care of adding and removing WebSocket send channels for the chat group; all we need to do now is take care of message sending. Instead of echoing the message back to the client like we did above, we’ll instead send it to the whole Group, which means any client who’s been added to it will get the message. Here’s all the code:

# In
from channels import Group

# Connected to websocket.connect
def ws_add(message):
    # Accept the connection
    message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True})
    # Add to the chat group

# Connected to websocket.receive
def ws_message(message):
        "text": "[user] %s" % message.content['text'],

# Connected to websocket.disconnect
def ws_disconnect(message):

And what our routing should look like in

from channels.routing import route
from myapp.consumers import ws_add, ws_message, ws_disconnect

channel_routing = [
    route("websocket.connect", ws_add),
    route("websocket.receive", ws_message),
    route("websocket.disconnect", ws_disconnect),

Note that the http.request route is no longer present - if we leave it out, then Django will route HTTP requests to the normal view system by default, which is probably what you want. Even if you have a http.request route that matches just a subset of paths or methods, the ones that don’t match will still fall through to the default handler, which passes it into URL routing and the views.

With all that code, you now have a working set of a logic for a chat server. Test time! Run runserver, open a browser and use that same JavaScript code in the developer console as before

// Note that the path doesn't matter right now; any WebSocket
// connection gets bumped over to WebSocket consumers
socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + + "/chat/");
socket.onmessage = function(e) {
socket.onopen = function() {
    socket.send("hello world");
// Call onopen directly if socket is already open
if (socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) socket.onopen();

You should see an alert come back immediately saying “hello world” - but this time, you can open another tab and do the same there, and both tabs will receive the message and show an alert. Any incoming message is sent to the chat group by the ws_message consumer, and both your tabs will have been put into the chat group when they connected.

Feel free to put some calls to print in your handler functions too, if you like, so you can understand when they’re called. You can also use pdb and other similar methods you’d use to debug normal Django projects.

Running with Channels

Because Channels takes Django into a multi-process model, you no longer run everything in one process along with a WSGI server (of course, you’re still free to do that if you don’t want to use Channels). Instead, you run one or more interface servers, and one or more worker servers, connected by that channel layer you configured earlier.

There are multiple kinds of “interface servers”, and each one will service a different type of request - one might do both WebSocket and HTTP requests, while another might act as an SMS message gateway, for example.

These are separate from the “worker servers” where Django will run actual logic, though, and so the channel layer transports the content of channels across the network. In a production scenario, you’d usually run worker servers as a separate cluster from the interface servers, though of course you can run both as separate processes on one machine too.

By default, Django doesn’t have a channel layer configured - it doesn’t need one to run normal WSGI requests, after all. As soon as you try to add some consumers, though, you’ll need to configure one.

In the example above we used the in-memory channel layer implementation as our default channel layer. This just stores all the channel data in a dict in memory, and so isn’t actually cross-process; it only works inside runserver, as that runs the interface and worker servers in different threads inside the same process. When you deploy to production, you’ll need to use a channel layer like the Redis backend asgi_redis that works cross-process; see 通道層類型 for more.

The second thing, once we have a networked channel backend set up, is to make sure we’re running an interface server that’s capable of serving WebSockets. To solve this, Channels comes with daphne, an interface server that can handle both HTTP and WebSockets at the same time, and then ties this in to run when you run runserver - you shouldn’t notice any difference from the normal Django runserver, though some of the options may be a little different.

(Under the hood, runserver is now running Daphne in one thread and a worker with autoreload in another - it’s basically a miniature version of a deployment, but all in one process)

Let’s try out the Redis backend - Redis runs on pretty much every machine, and has a very small overhead, which makes it perfect for this kind of thing. Install the asgi_redis package using pip.

pip install asgi_redis

and set up your channel layer like this:

# In
    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "asgi_redis.RedisChannelLayer",
        "CONFIG": {
            "hosts": [("localhost", 6379)],
        "ROUTING": "myproject.routing.channel_routing",

You’ll also need to install the Redis server - there are downloads available for Mac OS and Windows, and it’s in pretty much every linux distribution’s package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can just:

sudo apt-get install redis-server

Fire up runserver, and it’ll work as before - unexciting, like good infrastructure should be. You can also try out the cross-process nature; run these two commands in two terminals:

  • runserver --noworker
  • runworker

As you can probably guess, this disables the worker threads in runserver and handles them in a separate process. You can pass -v 2 to runworker if you want to see logging as it runs the consumers.

If Django is in debug mode (DEBUG=True), then runworker will serve static files, as runserver does. Just like a normal Django setup, you’ll have to set up your static file serving for when DEBUG is turned off.

Persisting Data

Echoing messages is a nice simple example, but it’s ignoring the real need for a system like this - persistent state for connections. Let’s consider a basic chat site where a user requests a chat room upon initial connection, as part of the query string (e.g. wss://host/websocket?room=abc).

The reply_channel attribute you’ve seen before is our unique pointer to the open WebSocket - because it varies between different clients, it’s how we can keep track of “who” a message is from. Remember, Channels is network-transparent and can run on multiple workers, so you can’t just store things locally in global variables or similar.

Instead, the solution is to persist information keyed by the reply_channel in some other data store - sound familiar? This is what Django’s session framework does for HTTP requests, using a cookie as the key. Wouldn’t it be useful if we could get a session using the reply_channel as a key?

Channels provides a channel_session decorator for this purpose - it provides you with an attribute called message.channel_session that acts just like a normal Django session.

Let’s use it now to build a chat server that expects you to pass a chatroom name in the path of your WebSocket request (we’ll ignore auth for now - that’s next):

# In
from channels import Group
from channels.sessions import channel_session

# Connected to websocket.connect
def ws_connect(message):
    # Accept connection
    message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True})
    # Work out room name from path (ignore slashes)
    room = message.content['path'].strip("/")
    # Save room in session and add us to the group
    message.channel_session['room'] = room
    Group("chat-%s" % room).add(message.reply_channel)

# Connected to websocket.receive
def ws_message(message):
    Group("chat-%s" % message.channel_session['room']).send({
        "text": message['text'],

# Connected to websocket.disconnect
def ws_disconnect(message):
    Group("chat-%s" % message.channel_session['room']).discard(message.reply_channel)

Update as well:

# in
from channels.routing import route
from myapp.consumers import ws_connect, ws_message, ws_disconnect

channel_routing = [
    route("websocket.connect", ws_connect),
    route("websocket.receive", ws_message),
    route("websocket.disconnect", ws_disconnect),

If you play around with it from the console (or start building a simple JavaScript chat client that appends received messages to a div), you’ll see that you can set a chat room with the initial request.


Now, of course, a WebSocket solution is somewhat limited in scope without the ability to live with the rest of your website - in particular, we want to make sure we know what user we’re talking to, in case we have things like private chat channels (we don’t want a solution where clients just ask for the right channels, as anyone could change the code and just put in private channel names)

It can also save you having to manually make clients ask for what they want to see; if I see you open a WebSocket to my “updates” endpoint, and I know which user you are, I can just auto-add that channel to all the relevant groups (mentions of that user, for example).

Handily, as WebSockets start off using the HTTP protocol, they have a lot of familiar features, including a path, GET parameters, and cookies. We’d like to use these to hook into the familiar Django session and authentication systems; after all, WebSockets are no good unless we can identify who they belong to and do things securely.

In addition, we don’t want the interface servers storing data or trying to run authentication; they’re meant to be simple, lean, fast processes without much state, and so we’ll need to do our authentication inside our consumer functions.

Fortunately, because Channels has an underlying spec for WebSockets and other messages (ASGI), it ships with decorators that help you with both authentication and getting the underlying Django session (which is what Django authentication relies on).

Channels can use Django sessions either from cookies (if you’re running your websocket server on the same domain as your main site, using something like Daphne), or from a session_key GET parameter, which works if you want to keep running your HTTP requests through a WSGI server and offload WebSockets to a second server process on another domain.

You get access to a user’s normal Django session using the http_session decorator - that gives you a message.http_session attribute that behaves just like request.session. You can go one further and use http_session_user which will provide a message.user attribute as well as the session attribute.

Now, one thing to note is that you only get the detailed HTTP information during the connect message of a WebSocket connection (you can read more about that in the ASGI spec) - this means we’re not wasting bandwidth sending the same information over the wire needlessly.

This also means we’ll have to grab the user in the connection handler and then store it in the session; thankfully, Channels ships with both a channel_session_user decorator that works like the http_session_user decorator we mentioned above but loads the user from the channel session rather than the HTTP session, and a function called transfer_user which replicates a user from one session to another. Even better, it combines all of these into a channel_session_user_from_http decorator.

Bringing that all together, let’s make a chat server where users can only chat to people with the same first letter of their username:

# In
from channels import Channel, Group
from channels.sessions import channel_session
from channels.auth import channel_session_user, channel_session_user_from_http

# Connected to websocket.connect
def ws_add(message):
    # Accept connection
    message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True})
    # Add them to the right group
    Group("chat-%s" % message.user.username[0]).add(message.reply_channel)

# Connected to websocket.receive
def ws_message(message):
    Group("chat-%s" % message.user.username[0]).send({
        "text": message['text'],

# Connected to websocket.disconnect
def ws_disconnect(message):
    Group("chat-%s" % message.user.username[0]).discard(message.reply_channel)

If you’re just using runserver (and so Daphne), you can just connect and your cookies should transfer your auth over. If you were running WebSockets on a separate domain, you’d have to remember to provide the Django session ID as part of the URL, like this

socket = new WebSocket("ws://");

You can get the current session key in a template with {{ request.session.session_key }}. Note that this can’t work with signed cookie sessions - since only HTTP responses can set cookies, it needs a backend it can write to to separately store state.


Unlike AJAX requests, WebSocket requests are not limited by the Same-Origin policy. This means you don’t have to take any extra steps when you have an HTML page served by host A containing JavaScript code wanting to connect to a WebSocket on Host B.

While this can be convenient, it also implies that by default any third-party site can connect to your WebSocket application. When you are using the http_session_user or the channel_session_user_from_http decorator, this connection would be authenticated.

The WebSocket specification requires browsers to send the origin of a WebSocket request in the HTTP header named Origin, but validating that header is left to the server.

You can use the decorator on a websocket.connect consumer to only allow requests originating from hosts listed in the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting:

# In
from channels import Channel, Group
from channels.sessions import channel_session
from channels.auth import channel_session_user, channel_session_user_from_http
from import allowed_hosts_only.

# Connected to websocket.connect
def ws_add(message):
    # Accept connection

Requests from other hosts or requests with missing or invalid origin header are now rejected.

The name allowed_hosts_only is an alias for the class-based decorator AllowedHostsOnlyOriginValidator, which inherits from BaseOriginValidator. If you have custom requirements for origin validation, create a subclass and overwrite the method validate_origin(self, message, origin). It must return True when a message should be accepted, False otherwise.


The file acts very much like Django’s, including the ability to route things to different consumers based on path, or any other message attribute that’s a string (for example, http.request messages have a method key you could route based on).

Much like urls, you route using regular expressions; the main difference is that because the path is not special-cased - Channels doesn’t know that it’s a URL - you have to start patterns with the root /, and end includes without a / so that when the patterns combine, they work correctly.

Finally, because you’re matching against message contents using keyword arguments, you can only use named groups in your regular expressions! Here’s an example of routing our chat from above:

http_routing = [
    route("http.request", poll_consumer, path=r"^/poll/$", method=r"^POST$"),

chat_routing = [
    route("websocket.connect", chat_connect, path=r"^/(?P<room>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/$"),
    route("websocket.disconnect", chat_disconnect),

routing = [
    # You can use a string import path as the first argument as well.
    include(chat_routing, path=r"^/chat"),

The routing is resolved in order, short-circuiting around the includes if one or more of their matches fails. You don’t have to start with the ^ symbol - we use Python’s re.match function, which starts at the start of a line anyway - but it’s considered good practice.

When an include matches part of a message value, it chops off the bit of the value it matched before passing it down to its routes or sub-includes, so you can put the same routing under multiple includes with different prefixes if you like.

Because these matches come through as keyword arguments, we could modify our consumer above to use a room based on URL rather than username:

# Connected to websocket.connect
def ws_add(message, room):
    # Add them to the right group
    Group("chat-%s" % room).add(message.reply_channel)
    # Accept the connection request
    message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True})

In the next section, we’ll change to sending the room as a part of the WebSocket message - which you might do if you had a multiplexing client - but you could use routing there as well.


So far, we’ve just been taking incoming messages and rebroadcasting them to other clients connected to the same group, but this isn’t that great; really, we want to persist messages to a datastore, and we’d probably like to be able to inject messages into chatrooms from things other than WebSocket client connections (perhaps a built-in bot, or server status messages).

Thankfully, we can just use Django’s ORM to handle persistence of messages and easily integrate the send into the save flow of the model, rather than the message receive - that way, any new message saved will be broadcast to all the appropriate clients, no matter where it’s saved from.

We’ll even take some performance considerations into account: We’ll make our own custom channel for new chat messages and move the model save and the chat broadcast into that, meaning the sending process/consumer can move on immediately and not spend time waiting for the database save and the (slow on some backends) Group.send() call.

Let’s see what that looks like, assuming we have a ChatMessage model with message and room fields:

# In
from channels import Channel
from channels.sessions import channel_session
from .models import ChatMessage

# Connected to chat-messages
def msg_consumer(message):
    # Save to model
    room = message.content['room']
    # Broadcast to listening sockets
    Group("chat-%s" % room).send({
        "text": message.content['message'],

# Connected to websocket.connect
def ws_connect(message):
    # Work out room name from path (ignore slashes)
    room = message.content['path'].strip("/")
    # Save room in session and add us to the group
    message.channel_session['room'] = room
    Group("chat-%s" % room).add(message.reply_channel)
    # Accept the connection request
    message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True})

# Connected to websocket.receive
def ws_message(message):
    # Stick the message onto the processing queue
        "room": message.channel_session['room'],
        "message": message['text'],

# Connected to websocket.disconnect
def ws_disconnect(message):
    Group("chat-%s" % message.channel_session['room']).discard(message.reply_channel)

Update as well:

# in
from channels.routing import route
from myapp.consumers import ws_connect, ws_message, ws_disconnect, msg_consumer

channel_routing = [
    route("websocket.connect", ws_connect),
    route("websocket.receive", ws_message),
    route("websocket.disconnect", ws_disconnect),
    route("chat-messages", msg_consumer),

Note that we could add messages onto the chat-messages channel from anywhere; inside a View, inside another model’s post_save signal, inside a management command run via cron. If we wanted to write a bot, too, we could put its listening logic inside the chat-messages consumer, as every message would pass through it.

Enforcing Ordering

There’s one final concept we want to introduce you to before you go on to build sites with Channels - consumer ordering.

Because Channels is a distributed system that can have many workers, by default it just processes messages in the order the workers get them off the queue. It’s entirely feasible for a WebSocket interface server to send out two receive messages close enough together that a second worker will pick up and start processing the second message before the first worker has finished processing the first.

This is particularly annoying if you’re storing things in the session in the one consumer and trying to get them in the other consumer - because the connect consumer hasn’t exited, its session hasn’t saved. You’d get the same effect if someone tried to request a view before the login view had finished processing, of course, but HTTP requests usually come in a bit slower from clients.

Channels has a solution - the enforce_ordering decorator. All WebSocket messages contain an order key, and this decorator uses that to make sure that messages are consumed in the right order. In addition, the connect message blocks the socket opening until it’s responded to, so you are always guaranteed that connect will run before any receives even without the decorator.

The decorator uses channel_session to keep track of what numbered messages have been processed, and if a worker tries to run a consumer on an out-of-order message, it raises the ConsumeLater exception, which puts the message back on the channel it came from and tells the worker to work on another message.

There’s a high cost to using enforce_ordering, which is why it’s an optional decorator. Here’s an example of it being used:

# In
from channels import Channel, Group
from channels.sessions import channel_session, enforce_ordering
from channels.auth import channel_session_user, channel_session_user_from_http

# Connected to websocket.connect
def ws_add(message):
    # This doesn't need a decorator - it always runs separately
    message.channel_session['sent'] = 0
    # Add them to the right group
    # Accept the socket
    message.reply_channel.send({"accept": True})

# Connected to websocket.receive
def ws_message(message):
    # Without enforce_ordering this wouldn't work right
    message.channel_session['sent'] = message.channel_session['sent'] + 1
        "text": "%s: %s" % (message.channel_session['sent'], message['text']),

# Connected to websocket.disconnect
def ws_disconnect(message):

Generally, the performance (and safety) of your ordering is tied to your session backend’s performance. Make sure you choose a session backend wisely if you’re going to rely heavily on enforce_ordering.

Next Steps

That covers the basics of using Channels; you’ve seen not only how to use basic channels, but also seen how they integrate with WebSockets, how to use groups to manage logical sets of channels, and how Django’s session and authentication systems easily integrate with WebSockets.

We recommend you read through the rest of the reference documentation to see more about what you can do with channels; in particular, you may want to look at our 部署 documentation to get an idea of how to design and run apps in production environments.